
2018-06-06 13:37



Title:US, Turkey agree on withdrawal of Kurdish militia from Syrian city

Turkey has long demanded the YPG withdraw from Syria's northern border with the nation. In a new roadmap agreed upon by Ankara and Washington on Monday, the Syrian Kurds will leave and the U.S. and Turkey will jointly maintain security in the city.


"We affirm that our forces will heed the call when necessary to offer support and help to the people of Manbij should it be needed,"  the YPG said in a statement.

"我们申明,我们的部队在必要时将听从这一呼吁,在必要时向曼比吉人民提供支持和帮助," YPG在一份声明中说。

The YPG said fighters left Manbij in November 2016 after the defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) there. Military advisers stayed, however, to work with the Manbij Military Council, according to the statement. Those advisers will now leave.


Washington has backed the YPG, which is part of the Syrian Democratic Forces, in its fight against ISIS. But Ankara considers the YPG a terrorist group, connected to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party in Turkey.


The mismatched view between the U.S. and its NATO ally has caused a number of issues in the past year. Turkish forces in March seized Afrin, Syria, from the YPG, a move the U.S. State Department said it was  "deeply concerned"  over.


After that battle, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Turkey would push east to Manbij with its forces, a move which would potentially confront U.S. forces stationed with the Kurdish militia.


On Monday, the U.S. sought to alleviate issues at a meeting in Washington between Secretary of State Mike PompeoMichael (Mike) Richard PompeoPompeo calls for Venezuela to be suspended from OAS State Dept recognizes LGBTI Month while White House doesn't Trump says summit is on before reading 'nice' letter from Kim Jong Un MORE and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. The two agreed on a roadmap for removing the YPG from Manbij.

美国星期一。国务卿理查德·庞培(Mike PompeoMichael)在华盛顿举行会议,寻求缓解问题。理查德·庞培博呼吁将委内瑞拉从美洲国家组织国家停职,承认LGBTI Mong,而白宫没有特朗普说特朗普峰会在宣读金正恩莫雷和土耳其外交部长梅夫卢特·卡沃格鲁的“好信”之前举行。两人商定了将YPG从Manbij清除的路线图.

U.S. officials have since said details still need to be negotiated on the roadmap.


Cavusoglu said on Tuesday, however, that work on the roadmap would begin in 10 days and be completed within six months, with the YPG disarmed and sent east of the Euphrates River. He added that the model should be used for other areas in Syria controlled by YPG, including Raqqa and Kobane.


"The YPG is a terrorist organization and cannot have any role in any city. We cannot hand over a region or city to a terrorist organization,"  Cavusoglu said.




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