
2018-06-11 18:18



Title:Puerto Rican Day Parade NYC 2018: A Message Of Unity Post-Hurricane Maria

Puerto Rican flags were waving with pride along Fifth Avenue Saturday as hundreds of thousands came out to celebrate the National Puerto Rican Day Parade 2018 in Manhattan. Though the parade is in its 61st year, the tone of the 2018 parade themed  "One People, Many Voices,"  was markedly different previous parades with a focus on the resiliency of the island and sending a message of unity to those affected by Hurricane Maria.

波多黎各国旗骄傲地飘荡在第五大道上,星期六,成百上千的人出来庆祝2018年曼哈顿波多黎各民族日游行。虽然游行已进入第61年,但2018年游行的基调是“一个民族,许多声音”,"   以前的游行明显不同,重点是该岛的复原力,并向受飓风玛利亚影响的人传达团结的信息。

Remember Puerto Rico Victims Banner   Newsweek

Norma Mojica and Jose Lopez both traveled from Chicago to New York for the parade because they wanted to join together with other Puerto Rican people after Hurricane Maria.


"We heard how big and celebrated the Puerto Rican parade here is and we wanted to be a part of that experience,"  Mojica said.  "It was amazing to see not only Puerto Ricans but other nationalities uniting with us to help us rebuild Puerto Rico but there's a lot to be done over there still."

莫吉卡说:“我们听说这里的波多黎各游行有多大和庆祝,我们希望成为这一经历的一部分。”“ 不仅看到波多黎各人 , 而且看到其他民族团结起来 , 帮助我们重建波多黎各 , 这是令人惊讶的 , 但在那里仍有许多工作要做 。 ”

Puerto Rico Day Parade Marchers   Newsweek

Alexander Alvarez, though Cuban by heritage, was also driven by a desire to show solidarity with the people of Puerto Rico as he traveled to the parade with his Lambda Sigma Upsilon fraternity brothers.

Alexander Alvarez虽然是古巴人后台,但也是希望声援波多黎各人民,因为他和他的Lambda Sigma Upsilon兄弟会一起参加了阅兵。

"To me, it's always a beautiful thing to see people unify under one single banner, in particular Puerto Rico, we all know they've been going through the recent crisis with the hurricane, so we all feel that the community in general of New York City should have a strong support in order to show that our commonwealth is a part of the United States and we got to make sure that we stay unified during these times."

"对我来说,看到人们团结在一面旗帜下,特别是波多黎各,总是一件美好的事,我们都知道他们最近遭遇了飓风的危机,因此 , 我们大家都认为 , 纽约市的广大社区应该得到强有力的支持 , 以便表明我们的联邦是美国的一部分 , 我们必须确保我们在这些时期保持统一 。 ”

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A sense of unity was expressed in signs and gathering together under one flag in the wake of Hurricane Maria and the devastation it caused to the island with a death toll that's been estimated as high as 4,645 in a Harvard study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Multiple signs displaying the number  "4,645"  were displayed by those marching in the parade.

在 飓风玛利亚对该岛所造成的破坏之后 , 标志和在一个旗帜下团结一致地表达了一种团结感 , 在哈佛大学发表在《新英格兰医学期刊》的一份研究报告中,死亡人数估计高达 4,645 。游行中,人们展示了多个数字“4,645”的标志。

Puerto Rico Day Parade 2018   Newsweek

The category 4 storm was the strongest to hit the island in nearly 90 years. Despite the devastation that Puerto Rico has endured in the past year, those in attendance came to show solidarity and strength as a community.


Ashley Quinones was in Puerto Rico when Hurricane Maria hit. Though she now lives in New Jersey, her entire family is still in Guayama, located in the southern part of the island.

当飓风利亚袭击时,Ashley Quinones在波多黎各境内,虽然她现在住在新泽西,但她全家仍然住在该岛南部的Guayama。

"There's people who don't have light yet or energy, we need more money donated,"  Quinones shared.


Puerto Rico Day Parade Soccer Float   Newsweek

Energy was high throughout the parade with dancers, musicians and costumes celebrating the culture of Puerto Rico along with appearances by New York Senator Charles Schumer and Governor Andrew Cuomo joining in the celebration. The parade featured Brooklyn native and award-winning actor Esaí Morales as Grand Marshal and honored musician Lucecita Benítez and former New York Yankees catcher Jorge Posada.


People line up for Puerto Rican Day Parade   Newsweek

Though the somber impact of Hurricane Maria was felt at the parade, the resilience of the Puerto Rican people was the stronger message present in the celebration.


"This parade is for people to know us more, to know Puerto Ricans,"  Quinones said.




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