
2018-06-14 16:53



Title:European Space Agency’s ‘Flyeye’ Telescope Could Spot Asteroids Before They Destroy Life on Earth

If you want to protect the earth from incoming asteroids, you need to see them coming. As asteroids can come from any direction, you need to be looking every which way at once.


That's where European Space Agency (ESA)'s  "Flyeye"  telescope comes in. Flies have dozens of tiny lenses that connect to the eye's core, so the stereoscopic image can see from almost all sides of the fly at once. That's why it's so hard to sneak up on them. Scientists from the ESA have taken a note from flies and built a telescope that will make it harder for asteroids to sneak up on us. They have built a  "fleyeye"  telescope on Mount Mufara in Sicily, which they hope to finish installing in the year 2020, according to  Popular Mechanics.

欧洲航天局(欧空局)的“飞眼”望远镜就是为应付小行星而设计的。苍蝇拥有数十个与眼睛核心连接的复眼,所以苍蝇能够同时从各个方面看到立体图像。这就是为什么发现它们如此困难,欧空局的科学家已经从苍蝇身上获得的灵感并建造了一台望远镜,这将使小行星更难撞击地球。据大众机械师(Popular Mechanics)的数据,他们已经在西西里的Mufara山上建造了一台“飞眼”望远镜,希望能在2020年完成安装工作。

An illustration shows how the European Space Agency's "Flyeye" telescope would see asteroids before they reach earth.   ESA/A. Baker


This telescope will put 16 smaller images together, each facing a different part of the sky. As the earth rotates, they can get a somewhat complete view of space. According to a  press release from ESA, it should be able to spot any asteroid more than 40 meters across at least three weeks before it hits earth.


Scientists can also calculate the object's trajectory, size and speed to determine when and how it would hit the planet, or if it would pass by as a shooting star.


Asteroids can have devastating impacts on a planet, as we know from the one that killed the non-bird dinosaurs. If such an asteroid were to hit while humans live on the planet,  some of us might survive, but there would certainly be widespread destruction. The likelihood of human survival would depend on several factors, including the size of the asteroid, where it hits on the earth, and of course, how long humanity has to prepare.


Luckily, a dangerous asteroid will almost certainly not hit earth any time soon, or at least not within the next century, scientists say. Still, it's useful to be able to see and understand the multitude of asteroids that fly by earth every year.


See all of the best photos of the week in these slideshows



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