
2018-06-20 10:25



Title:Ice cream in waffle cup becomes World Cup fans' most popular dessert

MOSCOW, June 19. /TASS/. Ice-cream sales in Moscow have grown by half in the days of the 2018 World Cup, General Director of the Union of ice cream producers of Russia Gennady Yashin told TASS.

俄罗斯冰淇淋生产商联盟局长根纳迪·亚辛(Gennady Yashin TASS)说,2018年世界杯期间,莫斯科的冰淇淋销量增长了一半。

"If we usually sell about 200 tonnes per day, now it is 300 tonnes per day," he said. Yashin referred to the data on sales his organization received from the city outlets selling ice cream.


According to him, ice cream in a waffle cup is the most popular with the foreign guests of the Russian capital and its daily sales total 120-130 tonnes.


"Firstly, it's delicious, and secondly, it's a novelty for them (the guests of the World Cup)," Yashin said.


Eskimo (ice cream on a stick in a chocolate glazing) and fruit ice cream are second and third most popular types of ice-cream - they account for 10-15% of the total sales respectively.


"Given that the weather is fine now, we expect sales to grow to 400 tonnes per day," Yashin said.


According to him, normally, such volume of sales can be observed only by mid-July under good weather conditions.




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