
2018-06-23 08:14



[(Title)] Moscow stocking up on beer after reported shortages at World Cup

Moscow's shops are stocking up on beer to slake the thirst of World Cup fans after some bars reported shortages.


At a branch of Russian supermarket chain Azbuka Vkusa crates of Heineken, Guinness and local brands like Zolotaya Bochka blocked the aisles on Friday.

俄罗斯连锁超市Azbuka Vkusa的一个分店星期五堆满了过道,其中包括Heineken、吉尼斯和当地品牌Zolotaya Bochka。

Thousands of foreign fans in the Russian capital for the month-long tournament have been partying until the small hours, guzzling beer in bars and restaurants and spilling over onto the streets.


"There's beer everywhere," an Azbuka Vkusa saleswoman said. "There's nowhere to put it."

一位Azbuka Vkusa推销员说:“啤酒到处都是,无处可放了。”

International brewers report an increase in demand for the World Cup, which runs until July 15 in 11 Russian cities, and have guaranteed that fans will not run out after .


"We are experiencing higher demand for beer in Russia, compared to a typical summer period in Russia," Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world's biggest brewer and an official FIFA sponsor for the World Cup, told Reuters in an e-mail.

世界最大酒商国际足联赞助商之一的Anheuser-Busch InBev在一封电子邮件中告诉路透社:“与俄罗斯一个典型的夏季时期相比,俄罗斯对啤酒的需求正在增加。”

"We have planned and prepared for this scenario to ensure we are delivering beer to our partners in full capacity."


Russian food retailer chain O'Key said that demand for beer at its stores had increased by 10 percent since June 14, when the tournament kicked off, over the same period last year.


Magnit, Russia's second-biggest food retailer, said it had seen an increase in demand for beer in its shops located in World Cup host cities, attributing this to the influx of soccer fans as well as seasonal trends.


Four other Russian supermarket chains, including Azbuka Vkusa, did not reply to questions about how they were coping with heightened beer demand, but managers of local stores said they had needed to increase stocks.

其他四家俄罗斯连锁超市,包括Azbuka Vkusa,没有回答关于如何应对高啤酒需求的问题,但当地商店的管理人员表示,他们需要增加库存。

"We are having to order more beer because of the World Cup," said Zinaida Fisher, the manager of a Perekrestok supermarket branch in central Moscow. "But we have enough for everybody."

“由于世界杯,我们不得不订购更多的啤酒,”莫斯科市中心佩雷克罗斯克超市分部的经理津伊达费舍尔(Zinaida Fisher)说。

At one Azbuka Vkusa branch, a salesman named Kirill said that demand for beer was booming and that stores had to constantly renew supplies.

在Azbuka Vkusa的一个分店,一个名为基里尔的推销员表示,对啤酒的需求正在激增,商店不得不不断更新供应。

"The closer you go to the centre, the more you will find that beer is being bought up at a spectacular rate," said Kirill, who was not authorised to speak on behalf of the store. "Fans drop in, buy beer and leave."


Some fans said they were downing their fair share.


"Countless beers. Countless. A lot. Many. Plenty," said Hector Capistran, 40, from Mexico, when asked how much he had been drinking.

被问及喝了多少啤酒时,来自墨西哥的40岁的Hector Capistran回答道:“无数的啤酒,无数。很多。超级多。”



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