
2018-05-18 10:29



Title:McCarthy: There will be a June vote on Goodlatte immigration bill

McCarthy, who controls the floor schedule, said he's already assured members of the House Freedom Caucus that the legislation from Reps. Bob GoodlatteRobert (Bob) William GoodlatteTwo Democrats on the fence over immigration discharge petition House conservatives ask Trump to intervene in fight with DOJ over documents Freedom Caucus weighs option to derail forced vote on immigration MORE (R-Va.) and Michael McCaulMichael Thomas McCaulGOP split on immigration is a crisis for Ryan's team Trump huddles with House GOP leaders on immigration The Hill's 12:30 Report — Sponsored by Pfizer — White House aide under fire for mocking McCain MORE (R-Texas) will reach the House floor.

麦克卡锡(McCarthy)表示,他已经向众议院自由核心小组成员保证说,这些立法来自共和党。鲍伯·古德拉特罗伯特(鲍勃)威廉·古特拉特德二民主党议员在移民排泄请愿众议院保守人士的围栏上请特朗普干预司法部对自由核心小组文件权重回选择以破坏移民MORE(R-Va)的选举权进行的斗争。麦卡特(Michael McCaulMichael Thomas McCaulGOP)在移民问题上分裂对瑞安的特朗普团队与共和党领袖在移民问题上的态度是一场危机。由辉瑞(Pfizer)资助的报告将抵达众议院,白宫副手在火力下抨击麦凯恩(R-Texas)摩尔(R-Moree)。

"I've already told them we're going to give them a vote on Goodlatte, so I don't understand the difficulty," McCarthy said.


Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus have been threatening to withhold their votes for the farm bill — a bill that is a priority for Speaker Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanDem rep to launch discharge petition to force net neutrality vote in House GOP leaders huddle with discharge petition backers, opponents Trade experts, lawmakers say NAFTA deal within reach MORE (R-Wis.) — unless there is action on the Goodlatte bill, which would impose new limits on legal immigration in return for granting temporary status to recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

未能成功翻译[Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus have been threatening to withhold their votes for the farm bill — a bill that is a priority for Speaker Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanDem rep to launch discharge petition to force net neutrality vote in House GOP leaders huddle with discharge petition backers, opponents Trade experts,]。立法者说,北美自由贸易协定在达到MORE的范围内达成协议(R-Wis)。- 除非对善意法案采取行动,该法案将规定新的合法移民限制,以换取给予儿童抵达暂缓行动接受者临时地位。

DACA has allowed immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children to live, work and go to school without fear of deportation.


While GOP leadership had hoped to bring up the farm bill on Friday, Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark MeadowsMark Randall MeadowsDivisions deepen as Mueller probe hits one year GOP leaders huddle with discharge petition backers, opponents House conservatives ask Trump to intervene in fight with DOJ over documents MORE (R-N.C.) said he would like to see a vote on the Goodlatte bill first.


Some Freedom Caucus members expressed doubt about McCarthy's commitment to have the vote on Goodlatte's bill, arguing that leaders have made that same promise in the past.


"It would have to be a bindable commitment," said one Freedom Caucus member, "and even then I'm not sure that would satisfy many."


House Majority Whip Steve ScaliseStephen (Steve) Joseph ScaliseTrump huddles with House GOP leaders on immigration House Dems accuse GOP of myriad oversight failures on Trump Trump to keynote anti-abortion gala next week MORE (R-La.) said discussions with members on a path forward will continue.

史蒂夫·斯卡利斯(Steve ScaliseStephen)(Steve)Joseph ScaliseTrump与移民之家的共和党领袖齐聚一堂,指责共和党的下周特朗普在反堕胎大调中遭遇无数的监督失误(R-La)。表示将继续与成员讨论今后的道路。

"Well, we've been talking to them about ways to resolve the differences between the two bills for a while, and we're working through some pretty complicated issues, but we're also making headway," he told The Hill. "So, we know we want to get a vote on the Goodlatte bill, I guess right now the question is when."


Even if Goodlatte's bill reaches the House floor, it appears to have little chance of passing in its current form.


The bill, known as the Securing America's Future Act, only has 96 co-sponsors, well short of a majority.


Scott Wong contributed. Updated at 5:47 p.m.




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